Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Meeting with client #2

After my crit I decided it would be best to have a catch up with my client as soon as possible to get his ideas on what I've done so far so that I can successfully move forward. 

We discussed what it was that he preferred about the initial poster in detail. He said that he loved the warmer colours compared to the green and purple experiments I made which is a win as this is what I wanted to use going forward. He also mentioned that that colour scheme is being used by his local competition so he wanted to stay clear of it. 

Furthermore, he prefers to not make his event business about himself. He's proud of the headliners that he books and what them to be the centre of attention, so he really liked the repeated type on my initial poster. This is really good to know as it means I can experiment some more with hierarchy. He also said that he likes how small the support acts were on my recent posters. The headliner should be the clear focus. 

In terms of the posters and the way that the brand identity is heading, he's happy. He trusts that I know what will work better visually and isn't a fussy client at all. Still, I forced some opinions out of him just to get an idea of what he likes and doesn't like. For example, the rounded bokes surrounding the text on my last poster he wasn't a fan of, for no particular reason - he just didn't like the feel of it, which is valid. 

Finally in terms of the logo type- it's really not working. In my crit I was hoping for some good feedback on the logotype but didn't really receive any. It was great to talk to Luke because I got an outsiders opinion, someone who isn't graphic-design-minded. He was honest and said that it's too clean cut and professional. He wants something a bit more rough around the edges with more personality. To develop I will experiment with funkier type-faces and almost lower the resolution somehow by adding a grain, maybe printing and re-scanning in. Maybe adding a blur?

In short:

- direction I'm heading in is good

- the logotype is too professional and need more personality 

- make use of repeated type for the headliner 

- continue using warm colour palette 

- tidy up posters and refine/ simplify them

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