Saturday, 13 March 2021

Thinking about format

My initial idea for my creative report was centred around a square format, based on the quote from Jay: "I was obsessed with my dad's vinyl and cassette collection". I wanted to mimic a vinyl by having my report be square format, with maybe a sleeve. But when it came down to it I hated the idea of working within the confines of a square. I wasn't feeling the vinyl thing, so I moved over to cassettes. 

The idea was also inspired by Yasseen Faik's work, pictured above. I was really intrigued by the folds and the size of J-cards and decided to go in that direction. 

I thought about designing actual J cards but that would take me partially back to the square format again, which I didn't like the idea of. I found the format of the front panel appealing - 4" x 2.56", and thought that I could still incorporate the folds through going for a concertina style zine. The idea of a creative report this small seemed to make sense to me, something you can carry around in your pocket of store away easily and come back to. The concertina idea also relates to instruments and music which is really in Jay's realm - so it all made sense. 

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