Dimensions taken from newspaper articles/ long pieces of text
Front and back pages, quickly mocked up
Vertical concertina fold
rolled up/ tied with elastic
Before my crit this afternoon I wanted to really quickly bash out some longer publications. I measured some long text boxes from newspapers and made a few artboards in Illustrator with correlating dimensions.
This was a really quick experiment - but I like the folded outcome. It's similar to the poster zine, but features a more unique and justifiable form. I didn't like the rolled up outcome at all - it was awkward to handle and manoeuvre, where as the concertina one was easy to use. The only issue is that due to the limited amount of space, there's a lot less room for content. The article took up all of the pages bar two, one of which had to be used for the headline. I was thinking about having multiple elements packaged together, so this could be a small part of the RANGE of my publication - but definitely not the main event.
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