Issue: We are constantly exposed to Negative News, sometimes the only option for our mental health is to switch off all together, leaving us uninformed.
Aim: Provide people with positive global news stories to uplift them as well as inform them, acting as a break from Negative news.
Cover things such as positive environmental changes, covid, mental health, social, political.
NO graphic images or language. Important topics can be discussed without this.
Satire - a good tool to cover current affairs but get people engaged and happy.
Sticking to public spaces. Not bombarding anyone's personal space.
Something related to slow journalism - only published once every three months etc.
Audience: Should be appropriate for everyone who is old enough to be on social media and above. Children have social media and are interested in the news. The older generation deserve to se some positive news too.
The physicality of whatever physical thing I produce should be the antidote to boring, dull, Newspapers - bright colours/ stock etc.
Small format kind of works because you have to focus and be engaged with what you're reading, whereas with traditional papers they're over-sized and bombarding you with information.
App where you can choose to have notifications or not.
Fly posting
Prints/ newspaper cover ups. Prints that you can buy (small amount, would go to charity) and then use as a newspaper cover-up.
Corner shop signage
Card game?
Scarf/ flag
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