Design studio based in Glasgow. Designing for companies who want to do good for the planet.
Woman-run studio, just Lisa and Laura.
The work that you do is sometimes quite self-involved, It doesn't really involve real world problems.
Design jobs in Glasgow are like gold-dust. Not many going around.
Lisa and Laura knew each other at uni.
She questions profit and purpose as she wasn't happy in her job. Sometimes even though you're earning a profit - you have to leave and find a new purpose. Finding a middle ground is the goal.
Always think of where you would benefit a company. I her jib where she wasn't happy, she was doing heaps of work on the side to stay creative.
There's lots of different roles with graphic design depending on the company.
Her and Laura had a discussion and realised that there was no one in Glasgow that met their needs. They realised - As designers we have a responsibility. We have a lot of influence.
Badly designed products paired with the best creative minds in advertising equals the climate crisis.
As a designer it's important to align with your clients and what the believe in.
It's important to use your influence positively. Know your role.
To start Ilka, each of them saved up 3 months wages and put in £1,000 each to start the company.
They approached another company that aligned with their beliefs to mentor them.
They didn't want to stick to one sector - but be led by their values.
They do 12 days each working for a charity. They have strict client criteria - they don't work with people that harm the planet. They actively support equality and ensure that they design with everyone on mind.
Give more than you get. Put yourself out there - don't expect much back.
Be mindful about how much you give of yourself to your job.
Use your job to make the life you want rather than making your job your life.
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