I've recently found some inspiration in a zine that my friend lent me called 'The Paper' by GoodPress. The Paper is a free monthly submission based newsletter by Glasgow bookshop GoodPress. It's printed onto a thick newsprint using risograph, bound with two staples and folded down the middle.
I was initially really inspired by the physicality of the zine, I don't know if it's intentional but the way that its folded in the middle really resembles a traditional newspaper, despite it being only A4 in size. The actual process of unfolding it and opening it up feels really familiar - and instantly recognisable.
GoodPress give a copy of The Paper away for free with every order, so it's got similar ideas behind my own project - a non-profit, printed matter kind of thing. Looking at some scans of old editions on their website, I can see that they've experimented in the past with thinner newsprint, different binds, different colour ways etc. and I just got really inspired for my own project. For Glad Print, I have the opportunity to do something similar and play around with colour and form - which is really exciting.
Also, looking through their website I got really inspired and ended up ordering two books: The Form of the Book Book and The Natural Enemies of Books: A Messy History of Women in Printing and Typography. I'm really excited to receive these and start reading them because I've obviously gotten into print so much more this year and really want to start expanding my knowledge on that specific subject more.
Another cool thing that GoodPress do is their bookmarks. They recognised that due to lockdown we all might be reading a lot more than usual, so collaborated with some artists and illustrators to produce some bookmarks and sell them for charity! This kind of links to my bookmark format idea, I really want some elements of my articles/ zines to be re-usable in calming, self-care ways. I think bookmarks are a good way of doing that.
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