Monday, 19 April 2021

19/4/21 - Reflection

Ahead of the recap at 10 this morning I just made a quick list of the fundamentals of what needs doing to complete this module so I can fully plan my remanding time. The main things that need doing are:

- paper stock
- choose three articles 
- illustrate each article/ design development 
- crossword 

- the poster zine 
- the coaster zine 
- the bookmark zine 
- stickers (and get them printed!)
- IG page content 
- any other stuff that I decide on (events stuff) 

- order packaging 
- order small pencils 


In terms of aims, I think my response so far is valid. I feel like through my ideas and development, I've attempted to 'interrupt' the way in which people currently engage with news. However, a lot of my ideas at the minute are bigger in scale to what I can actually achieve before the deadline. The Glad Print zine is only the starting point, but I do think that through my production exploration I'm thinking about relevant practises and ideas surrounding form and production. What I'm doing right now feels relevant and right for the brief that I wrote myself. 

Furthermore, I know that I need to get to grips with the digital aspect of the brief. I'm really glad that I chose to write it in there because I know that it will push me. The more confident I get with print, the further I stray from any form of digital design - so by writing it into the brief I'm forcing myself to challenge my skills. Despite this, I can justify how I've been working so far because I've been using my exploration within print to develop the 'branding' of Glad Print - once this is figured out, the production of social media content won't take very long at all. 

I did struggle with range at one point within the module and felt quite stressed about it, but I dedicated a block of time to focus on it and really think about it - and felt much better afterwards. I now feel more confident about my ideas surrounding my range. 

Could your audience participate in order to understand, to communicate your message. To engage your audience in your issue? 

Initially I thought about the idea of 'Sun Blockers'/ Newspaper cover ups. This had the intention of engaging the audience because they would read the zine, on the back (the poster side) would be a larger statement that the use could place on top of newspaper stands to urge people to do something better with their time rather than reading them. However, I have since reflected that this would not be appropriate. As my aims revolve around positivity and all round good vibes - it wouldn't be appropriate to bash another company negatively. Alternatively, I think I'm going to encourage the user to further distribute the zine  by leaving it on the train/ another transport link/ generally just out and about. Furthermore, my idea regarding crosswords forces the user to interact with the text more - which i really like and can't wait to implement. 

Why is Glad Print the most effective platform to communicate your message? 

I think that because I'm so interested in Newspapers as a traditional format and this has really informed the brief and the project as a whole it makes sense that the main element be print. This is also what's most appropriate for my developing portfolio as I am 100% more interested in print than I am digital. I'm really interested in engaging with the format, how this can be informed by my research. I don't have that same passion and interest for designing digital media. Furthermore, Glad Print as a whole will (hopefully) be a printed publication with links to a digital Instagram page. This way, it becomes accessible to so many more people and gives them the option of purchasing it rather than just coming across it by chance. 

What's appropriate for your audience? 

My audience is tricky because it is technically everyone/ the general public. I am confident though - the older generation are comfortable with printed media and I think that although the younger generation have such strong ties to social media, they also appreciate print. Just to be sure, there is that digital element that covers all bases. 

(I looked at the ethical forms on eStudio and wasn't sure what applied to me or what ones we had to look at. I send Dom a quick email and she made me realise that I don't actually have to look at those because they aren't relevant to me, but I do need to think about the following: 


I think that there are some ethical concerns when it comes to Glad Print. The aim is to create a platform that boosts positive news, but it is possible that some people could see this as disregard for the important news that is negative like war or politics. I think that to resolve this issue I need to make it very clear within any description/ statement that the aim of Glad Print is not to dismiss relevant news that happens to be negative, but create a space in which positive news can exist. 

There is also a concern that there is room for accidental misinformation. I would never want to publish false information or incorrect statement, so will ensure that all of the information that I publish is fact checked.




- How does the audience initially see it?

The zine will be distributed randomly around my local area so the users will come across it by chance. Likewise, it will be available to purchase via an online social media page so people who want a cop of it have that option. I could also distribute the zine within local bookshops like Village books. 

- Is this appropriate? 

I think that having the zine be purchasable online as well as in independent book shops is a given, as this gives people who are actively looking for it an outlet to find it. I think that the random distribution element, however, is still really important as you can not pick one demographic to target positive news towards: it should be for everyone, through both chance and choice. 

- What's the outcome? 

Happiness and positivity! The main goal is to instil some sort uplifting feeling within the reader through information and education. 

- What's their role? 

The reader is forced to engage with the publication through numerous different ways - their role really is to simply be engaged and informed.  


Over the Easter break I definitely had more of a break than I intended. I'm not beating myself up about it though, as I feel well rested and currently really motivated to finish the project on a high. I really don't want to let myself down with this outcome. I'm feeling okay and pretty much up to date. My key work at the moment is refine as I have so many ideas that could all be noted down as future things, but for this outcome I need to think about what's relevant instead of trying to do it all. 


Speaking of refining my ideas: one that I actually want to revive is the yoga class/ event stuff. I think that it's a really good way of tying in my mindfulness aims, as I've been finding it difficult to convey that through print. 

I was really inspired by the way the Race Zine is a piece of printed matter but they put on talks and workshops - actually tangible things that are an extension of that zine. I was thinking about how in a similar fashion my zine could be that tangible thing, and we could put on yoga classes/ events based around mindfulness. Each visitor could receive a free copy of the zine and these events could possibly fund future issues?   

As an extension of the zine I could design some posters advertising these events!

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Module Evaluation

This module has been really positive for me. I'm so glad that I chose the issue that I did, because I felt passionate and motivated the ...