I was quite nervous to actually start ordering things/ extras for the zine because it feels like a big commitment. I get scared to actually spend money on things/ email people like James from the print room because it feels like then I won't be able to develop or change from that point on. It definitely is time though as I'm so close to the end and need to make sure that the final outcome is the best it can be - it would be shame if I didn't commit to these extras because they'll probably elevate the outcome.
Ever since I had the idea to include a cross word I knew that I wanted to also include a little pencil to fill it out with. I did some browsing and realised that on Etsy it's quite cheap to get personalised pencils! There was a lot of choice, some quite plain ones and some more exciting. I had to reign myself in and not get a pack of personalised coloured pencils by thinking rationally - if I end up using coloured paper the coloured pencil won't show up well! Similarly, I ended up going with the pink pencils because they have rubbers on the end which are vital for crossword mistakes.
I also knew that I would need some sort of packaging to keep the entire pack together. If I could, I would choose some nice paper envelopes that I could print onto myself but these aren't very practical. Because I'm distributing them around transport links, the packaging needs to be weather resistant - so I went with resealable plastic bags instead. Again, I was tempted by the metallic ones but thought that these would distract from the design of the publication and also weren't the right tone of voice, so i went with the plain ones and I'll jazz them up with stickers.
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