Barbero, S. and Cozzo, B., 2009. Ecodesign. H. F. Ullmann.
Case study: ADIDAS advertising poster that was printed solely in black and white in order to avoid using coloured ink. In my opinion, this is an example of greenwashing, as ADIDAS used sustainable advertising techniques but do not follow through in the rest of their production practises.
Case Study: Planet Earth - Directions For Use is a 100% sustainably printed project aimed to inform people about the health of the planet and the things that they must do in order to save it. Printed to look like a prescription, throughout reading the user realises that they themselves are the medicine needed to help the planet.
Case Study: Roma Fountains Map. Instead of producing a number of single use maps of the city, this designer decided to transform them into multi-use objects, giving them a double use and longer life.
Key Notes:
- The reassessment of the relationship between material energy and human resources began in the 1960s, predominantly with the manifesto The Limits To Growth by D. H. Meadows (read this).
- Issues that make up the fundamental structure of sustainable design include: energy, materials, packaging, transport, and disposal.
- Eco design subscribes to the idea of "Form follows function" as the products are flexible, durable, modular, multifunctional, adaptable, and recyclable.
- Things that a designer can do to help design sustainably are: avoiding the use of many materials, minimising waste production, pre-determine any breakage points and fixing them, avoiding systems/ forms that could complicate disposal.
Key Quotes:
- "re asses our concepts of growth and development in the light of the environmental problems they cause." p.10
- "It has only been since the 1990s that close ties have been established between environmental themes and industrial production, following the political and regulatory discussions of the 1980s." p.10
- "eco design means thinking about objects in their functional entirety." p.10
- "eco design is characterized by a vibrant creative ability to search for alternative systems, technologies and production strategies." p.10
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