Working Title: Print Isn't Dead It's Sustainable
Project description and purpose.
A publication with my essay as the content, exploring the ways in which designers are responding to a need for more sustainability within the print industry.
What is the problem?
The print industry has had a colossal impact on the environment.
Ecological Design has not been taken seriously by the mainstream at the hands of consumerism.
How are you going to engage with it?
Highlight all of the inventive ways that designers are tackling these issues.
I'll be exploring a few in my essay, and hope to utilise even more in the production of the publication.
What type of Graphic Design solution is being proposed?
The aim is to inform and educate designers on how to be more sustainable within their design process.
Form / format / production / techniques / processes / materials / Initial Ideas
A zine - something that is hand done, as the only way to account for 100% of the process is to make it yourself.
Recycled paper, scraps of found paper.
Ink-saving typeface.
Layout considerations - using every part of the page while still being legible. Making sure every page has a reason to be there - resulting in no waste.
Could contact paper companies and ask for scrap paper.
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