Thursday, 18 February 2021

Prep Task - Identify an Issue


- Wisdom Teeth

Why do they hurt so much? What's even the point in them? Why are they there? 

- Greyhound Racing 

It's not as popular as horse racing and doesn't have as many people talking about it/ it's negative effects. It keeps greyhounds in horrible living conditions and produces a lot of strays. 

- Mental Health 

More specifically creative mental health. How do creatives cope with work related stress? 

- The News 

Why is it so depressing all the time? At the beginning of last year BBC Breakfast had a half an hour segment that focussed on positive news amongst the pandemic and it was a joy to watch first thing in a morning. They don't do it anymore and the news is difficult to watch. 

- My Landlord 


I think I'm leaning more towards The News/ Negative News. I know there's a lot of recourses out there who's aim is to share positive news only - I would like to see more of this in the mainstream. After doing a little bit of research I'm sure that I am interested in this topic and could definitely go down some tangents - I'm interested in how it effects our mental health, laws and regulations around the news, the language/ imagery used within broadcasting and how it can almost be manipulative?

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Module Evaluation

This module has been really positive for me. I'm so glad that I chose the issue that I did, because I felt passionate and motivated the ...