Thursday, 25 February 2021

To Do for next week

 Research Pitch:

What the 5 MINUTE presentation should include:

- The issue you're responding to 

- Research carried out - what do you know?

- Research methods you have used

- Audience consideration 

- What you still aim to find out - what further research do you need to conduct & what research methods

- What interests you the most?

Potential aims of your project. What could the brief be?

Research Day Task: Map

Research day task: Sun


Existing design, weird facts, and tangents: 

Here comes the sun by The Beatles, written by George Harrison about the arrival of spring after a long winter. 

Sunny by Bobby Hebb. The day after JFK was assassinated, Hebb's brother was also killed. This is what inspired him to write 'Sunny'. 

Annu Kilpeläinen’s zine Rally 2U: Zine based on the sun. 

The work of Ana Popescu heavily influenced by the sun, shade, and warm weather. Big big David Hockney influence. 

David Hockney's collaboration with the newspaper The Sun. Striking controversy, Hockney provokes conversation about the artist's relationship with media, politics, and brand.

Satirical print by Harriet Richardson commenting on The Sun. 

Sunglasses for puffins by Interaction Research Studio. “investigating the phenomenon of an apparent photo-luminescent glow in the bill of the Atlantic Puffin,”

The history of sunglasses: Roman Emperor Nero would apparently watch gladiator matches through an emerald to protect his vison. 

Interesting facts about sunflowers: Sunflowers have been planted to help soak up nuclear radiation. The French word for sunflower is "tournesol," which means "turns with the sun." Each sunflower is actually thousands of teeny flowers.

Sunny Side Up: a fake new exhibition by Sunny, a fake artist. Artist Mirka Laura Severa, or Sunny, creating a fake art exhibition of only images of the sun. However, the sun was actually never present - but replaces with a variety of different balls and egg yolks. Everyone that entered the exhibition was made to wear fake U-V protective glasses. This was in response to Donald Trump and Fake News. Trump was even invited and attended the exhibition. 

Paris Hilton gives us the lowdown on where in the world is particularly hot. By New York-based directors and brothers Gigi and Roy Ben Artzi, this short film uses Paris Hilton and her famous catch-phrase 'That's Hot' to discuss rising temperatures in a satirical way. 

Module Evaluation

This module has been really positive for me. I'm so glad that I chose the issue that I did, because I felt passionate and motivated the ...