- Mostly inspired by Cardew Treatise's aesthetic within his own musical score, for example, the black and white, very graphic qualities.
- Produced while listening to Existence by Bugge Wesseltoft, a famous Nu Jazz track by the person who coined the term in the late 90s.
- Upon reflection the jagged-ness of the lines do not represent he whole song. For the first half, the music is very mellow and calm, then changes half way through - this could have been better visually communicated.
- The almost 'hand-written' look is appealing, however, does not communicate the improvisation of the genre. The music is not prepared or written before performing so this isn't really justifiable. Despite this, the scores with differing line weights are a lot more effective at representing the various instruments and sounds within the music.
- Process included ripping up and crumpling the paper, this was representative of Nu Jazz modifying and changing traditional Jazz. Perhaps this idea could be taken further by drawing a musical score for a traditional Jazz track and then modifying it to represent the Nu.
- In terms of the compositions these were supposed to communicate the 'space and air' within the music (e.i. a lot of negative space). With my more recent research this can be taken even further using the idea of repetition and threes being important within the genre.
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