Monday, 18 November 2019

Study Task 1 - Colour Theory Ideas

Language effect
Blue and Yellow - earliest colour
One colour dominating another?
How the background can influence a colour

Colour theory books:
Interactions of colour Josef Albers
The art of colour - Johannes Itten

Simultaneous Contrast:
Formed when colours boundaries between between colours perceptually vibrate.

Could this be used with photography? Photos focusing on colour collaged to create vibrations. 

To use this idea within context could look into how brands are recognisable by their colours without having to use their actual logo. E.g. - take the Asda logo, collage with it so it becomes abstract and illegible, however keep the green colour. Or, to take this idea even further, invert the green to become red, then include a few white blank frames at the end of the gif where the eyes will adjust and see the correct green. 

Things to research
Interactions of colour - colour theory 
After images
Palefroi - animation


To show how colour effects branding, we decided to focus on a readily available and easy recognisable brand: Tesco. A supermarket is a good decision because everybody can recognise the colours of the branding / logo easily. The initial idea was to trace elements from the Tesco carrier bag to create abstract marks. These then could be played around with through collage (digital or physical). We made some crude tracings and blew them up on the scanner - the fast-paced working and quality of the ASO-Tape created a really nice speckled texture. Although the marks were abstract, when layered, cropped and manipulated they create interesting outcomes because you can not exactly tell what they mean or symbolise. Hopefully, when creating the final gif, I can find a good balance of showing parts of the Tesco logo without being too obvious. To incorporate the simultaneous contrast element - I will make the marks the correct Tesco red and blue, then invert them. These inverted colours will then be what are used in the animation. If this works correctly, then when we include a few white frames at the end of the animation - the viewers eyes will adjust to reveal the true Tesco colours. 

When developing we realised that if all of the marks are moving, which is what we want, then the eyes will not adjust correctly to the white screen. There needs to be a few elements that are stagnant so that the eyes can focus and reveal them in the correct colours on the white frame.

What to do next:
- Develop ideas further through digital experimentation with Timeline on Photoshop
- Research into PaleFroi, After Images, and Interactions of Colour book 
- Possibly think about how this can be made physically with collage  

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