Monday, 11 November 2019

Debbie Millman, AIGA Design Conference 2019

‘Our first brands’ - our species agreed that there was a higher power but could not agree with
who or what they were. So, we created symbols to signify what the relationship with the higher
power was.  These were the symbols for Christianity, Judaism, Shinto, Buddhism, Hindu and more.
These symbols signified a belief, a way of thinking. 

‘We manufactured meaning around something we agreed meant something’. These were our first
brands. As a species we collectively agreed on a meaning behind a symbol. This created a sense
of belonging. Although, as a species we did not agree that these symbols belonged to everyone, or
that they were all right - so, we fought.

Flags, Cests, Shields were used.

1000 years ago cattle ranchers appropriated the word ‘Brond’ from Beowulf. ‘To mark or to destroy
by fire.’ To use as a symbol of ownership.

143 years ago brands were born when they became legally recognized in the US on Jan 1st 1876.
The first registered trademark - Bass Ale
People paid premium for manufactured goods. Brand labels created a security net around their
product where the consumer felt safe.

1920s ‘Wave 2 of branding’
 Anthropisation. Connected with consumers through a character. E.g, Betty Crocker, who a man
proposed to. 

Branding became a status symbol. ‘An emblem that signified who you wanted to appear to others
as’. Brands such as Voltswagen, Levis, etc. 
‘At this point branding turned into belonging: belonging to a tribe, to a religion, to a family. Branding
demonstrated that sense of belonging for both the people who were part of the same group and also
for the people who did not belong.’ 

25 years ago - Technology 

18 years ago - The iPod. 2001-2004 was interesting as media began to refer to society as a culture
of isolationism. The iPod was isolating us. ‘An iSolation Nation’. A direct result of this in 2005 was a
way to connect in the device - MySpace. 

‘Branding has now become democratized’. A brand can be created by anyone and shared by
anyone. By the people, for the people, such as Black Lives Matter, #Metoo. - these are the most
powerful brands. Those that are not created by corporations. 

‘Branding is now a profound manifestation of the human spirit’. 

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