Sunday, 6 October 2019

Study Tasks 1 and 2

Study Task 1 - Manipulation 


- Create a hybrid typeface out of the manipulation, combination, and editing of three existing typefaces. 
- Manipulate the letters discerning characteristics through distortion, erasure exaggeration, tracing.


Although my first task was daunting, it felt very freeing to be able to work quickly and loosely. I had done some previous research into the word that I was given as a prompt: Spinescent. I knew that I wanted the type that I created to have tall, spiked ascenders that maybe contrasted with other elements as this could replicate spikes/thorns. Throughout the collaging task, I mostly stuck to Futura as it has sharp angles and vertex's that I could manipulate. It's powerful, a balanced mix of curvature and hard lines.

I didn't have many solid plans when going into it, I simply jumped in and did what felt right in comparison with my word. As well as Futura, I also used Bodoni and took advantage of its pointy serifs to create a 'spiky' effect. 

Digital Development

To develop my designs further I took them into illustrator to achieve a crisp, professional look. I took this opportunity to experiment with line weights as I struggled to do so when collaging and I really like the outcome. I think it gives an interesting Bauhaus effect which is likely as I used Futura as a base. 

Even though I like the outcome, I feel as though it has strayed too far from any of my initial ideas, and that more could be done to give more off a 'spinescent' effect. I want to implement more of an elongated spike. One thing that I do think is successful however is the juxtaposition between curves and straight lines.


I received feedback from Melissa who was really positive about my work. I agree with her comment on how to improve: that some of my digital designs don't reflect my word. I think that in the future I want to create a more interesting rule early on that I can make adaptations on. 

Study Task 2 - Grids


- Working with a grid, creat 4 letterforms with common characteristics such as weight, proportion and density. 

- Create a physical version of your type using stencilling, stitching, or assembling. 


In contrast to study task 1, I really struggled with using grids. I was trying to implement my ideas from the previous day however, I was having a hard time finding a grid that worked for me. From my previous research, I found a chemical form called saponins that are released from Devil's thorn. I used this visual that was made up of hexagon's to create a custom grid for my experiments. 

Even though I had a custom grid, I was struggling with line weight and developing my ideas. If I could go back I 
would try to put less pressure on myself and have more fun with it. 

Physical Element

To take my type experimentation further I designed my physical element. To do this I chose my favourite font that I had designed using my grid. I thought that it was basic however, it was legible and so easy to manipulate as well as stylish and modern.

I felt that my final type was far from my original word 'spinescent' - and though this is not a bad thing, I wanted to do something in my physical version that would re-introduce this theme. I drew my font A2 size on card by hand and then cut out diagonal lines so that I could push triangles through to create a spine-like effect. This was inspired by Tony Ziebetski's Type Scan Alphabet (an entire physical alphabet made entirely from paper). 

Even though I started out this study task on a low, I ended with a high - as I was really proud of my final piece. I thought that it showed the 'spikiness' of my word appropriately while still maintaining the modernism of the type that I designed. 


I received some feedback on my work that has some valid points. I completely agree that I need to work harder at implementing varying line weights in my work, as this is something that I really struggled with. However, looking back at my experiments (of which there could have been more) I do think that there are a few that are long and thin. I also agree with the idea that my final piece is a big jump from my other work, however, I have included sketches and my idea development in my sketchbook.

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