Monday, 9 December 2019

Idea Development / Crit

After contemplating my digital collages made from my eclipse photo-shoot, I decided to go back to the original images and do some physical work with them instead. I cropped, zoomed in, and overlaid them using the scanner, however, I am not best pleased with the results. As I mentioned previously, all the meaning has been stripped away as the contrast has been upped and eclipse elements cropped out - leaving the images with only the safety pins. I think that the process is good and the texture and grit of the final images is right, but there definitely needs to be more meaning behind these images. 

As I felt I was getting bogged down, I decided to re-visit the definition of Icon Index and Symbol and think about my ideas once again, after trying a couple of failed processes. Separating a smaller number of ideas (3) into the different categories was really helpful as it was a lot clearer to see. It helped me to realise that one of my earlier designs is in fact perfect for my symbol outcome. The design comes from my moon grid that was cropped to show the gradients within the circles. I feel that the process and theme alike are really strong and represent my ideas well - the design is also contemporary and I can see it being the right tone of voice for the Oripeau project. 

Furthermore, I had to think about my other two posters - Index and Icon. I struggled with these two categories as I kept getting them muddled up. This was because I would take images that were suitable for Icon, then collage and abstract them so they would work for Index, however they still depicted safety pins. This left me confused. After my chat with Ben though, we had a think about the one idea I had not explored yet, Walter Hunt's death, and how this could fit in. We discussed 'the direct consequences' of a pin prick - and came up with the Index of a plaster. I thought that if I did some photography with a plaster and abstracted it in the same way I have done previously, the outcome would look really good - and the ideas would still be visually communicated. 

For Icon, I really felt that my X-Ray images were almost there. I think that I want to revisit them and simply refine them. I need to look at how the x-ray can be visually communicated clearer within the frame we have been given. I also really want to get on with my stomach collage idea that I have had for so long. 

- Confirmation that collage needs to be cleaned up and refined
- Definitely go ahead and collage with plaster images once I have taken them  
- Confirmation of good and interesting research
- Possibly try and incorporate death more into Index or Icon? 
- Go ahead with digestion 

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